Paradoxa publishes articles on genre literature: science fiction, horror, mysteries, children's literature, romance, comic studies, the fantastic, best sellers, the occult, westerns, oral literature, and more.
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No. 1 (Vol 1.1 1995)
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Table of Contents
Editor’s Welcome, pp 3-4 Lauric Guillaud
Associate Editor’s Perspective, pp 5-6 Victor Reinking
Managing Editor’s Comments, pp 7-10 David Willingham
“Paraliterature” and the Mandate of Paradoxa, pp 11-38 Brian Attebery, 8 Sameul R. Delany, 11 John Huntington, 13 David Ketterer, 14 Ursula K. Le Guin 16 Jean Marigny, 12 Patrick McCarthy 18 Michael Moorcock, 19 David Pringle, 23 Franz Rottensteiner, 24 David N. Samuelson, 26 Vivian Sobchack, 27 C.W. Sullivan III, 28 Takayuki Tatsumi, 30 Keyan G., Tomselli, 33 James Winchell, 35 Gary K. Wolfe, 27
Interview with Ursula K. Le Guin, pp 39-57 David Willingham & Victor Reinking
For a Poetics of Paraliterature, Part I: Paraliterature and the Oral Tradition, pp 58-73 Alain-Michel Boyer
High and Low, Good and Bad: An Exercise in Paracriticism, pp 74-84 Robert Ellrich
Plural Author(ity): Ecriture from the Black Lagoon, pp 85-89 James Winchell
A Paraliterary Pattern, pp 90-92 Daniel Couègnas
Shelving Wars, or the Politics of “Genrefiction”, pp, 93-95 Duane Wilkins
Report from Readercon, pp 96 Ursula K. Le Guin
A Selected Bibliography of Paraliterary Critical Works, pp 97-100 Norbert Spehner